Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Personality Theories Essay

Individuality is expressed through unique behavior, also known as personality. Personality can be broken down into four perspectives, psychoanalytic, humanistic, social cognitive, and trait. Each perspective describes in detail what helps compare and contrast individuals to one another. Personality theories go into further detail from the perspective. Assessing personality has been around from years, yet it is still questioned whether it is reliable. Psychoanalytic perspective describes the how the unconscious mind helps mold personality. According to Sigmund Freud, this perspective thrives from early childhood experiences. Psychoanalytic perspective is beyond one’s control, because it derives from unspoken, unknown, and out of reach aspects of one’s life. For example, if a teacher calls on a student, but instead of saying the students name she calls her own child’s name. Freud would argue that the mother unconscious mind made her say her own child’s name instead of the student’s. Maybe she was supposed to tell her child something or do something for that child. Michael, a 36 year old man, has a habit of chewing on pencils. Michael’s father died when he was three years old, unbeknownst to him, his father had the same habit. Michael most likely picked up the habit from his father. Humanistic perspective is when an individual has positive growth through self-awareness or free will. Humanist ic theorist, tend to focus on the subjects positive aspects and what motivates them, whether than looking solely on abnormal behaviors. Through humanistic perspective individuals are motivated to achieve a greater good. Social cognitive perspective is the opposite of psychoanalytical perspective, by being influenced through conscious thought. With social cognitive, particular feelings or thoughts alter how a person reacts to certain situations. Karen works for a company where the Vice President, is less than personable. Whenever Karen is called to the Vice President’s office, she begins to feel worried. She does not make eye contact and she speaks faintly  when in the presence of the Vice President. On the other hand, the President of the company is a people-person. Every morning before he goes to his own office he speaks to everyone. When Karen is called to his office she laughs and jokes, and makes eye contact while engaging into conversation. These two examples show how Karen’s feelings towards the two managers decipher how she reacts to them. Trait perspective, involves describing one’s ind ividual attributes that make up their personality. For example Hector is kind, funny, frugal, yet loud. These are all traits that describe Hector’s personality. Theorist Cattell’s focused on sixteen different traits that he believed should be used to indentify an individual’s personality. Freud’s psychosexual theory, Jung’s archetypes, and Horney’s womb envy are three theories that have shaped our understanding of personality are. Freud, of course is the grandfather of psychology, especially personality theorizing. His psychosexual theory is broken down into five stages of development; oral, anal, phallic; latency, and genital stage. According to Freud, an individual develops personality during each psychosexual stage. The personality begins from birth and the oral stage, where pleasure or fixation from oral simulation. Anal fixation is during a child’s toilet training stage, here is where a child learns control. The phallic stage is genital focused pleasure. This stage is where most children discover their genitals. Latency stage is where same-sex friendships develop and children mold identity. The final stage, genital is during puberty. In this stage sexuality is abundant. Freud felt that each stage had importance for healthy development. If an individual spent too much time in a specific stage, it could affect him/her later in life. While Freud focused primarily on the unconscious mind, Carl Jung believed that individuals consciously motivated themselves. Any unconscious activities – instincts – are called archetypes. These archetypes developed universally through hereditary, surroundings, past memories, etc. Freud, mainly studied men, many may argue that his beliefs for women were inaccurate. One of the widely known individuals that questioned his understanding was Karen Horney. Freud believed that females developed penis envy during childhood, in which they wished they had a penises and form resentment towards their mothers. Horney resented Freud’s belief of penis envy by focusing on womb envy. This theory focuses on males  feeling inferiority at times because women can bear children. Assessing personality may seem like a difficult task, yet there are two main categories used: projective testing and self-report inventories. Projective tests are good when trying to determine an individual’s current mindset. Many have argued that the testing is not controlled enough to produce accurate responses. The Inkblot Test and Thematic Apperception Test are two of the commonly known projective assessments. They both are used today, yet for more of a counseling technique. Self-report inventories are questionnaire-like test that allow the participant to select the best answer that pertains to them. The answers are then compared to standardized answers. Assessments benefit theorist because it allows them to easily evaluate subjects. Many question whether they can be considered an accurate depiction of personality, participants can easily falsify responses or the assessors could misinterpret them. Personality is what makes everyone unique. What motivates us to respond cert ain ways, or even if we are motivated altogether has been studied by many. Theorist ranged from believing that personality is predetermined either at birth or during infancy to personality being something that is formed throughout one’s life. Regardless on when it is developed it is easy to say personality is the core of one’s being? References Cherry, K. (n.d.). Karen Horney Biography. Psychology – Complete Guide to Psychology for Students, Educators & Enthusiasts. Retrieved July 16, 2013, from Cherry, K. (n.d.). Major Personality Perspectives. Psychology – Complete Guide to Psychology for Students, Educators & Enthusiasts. Retrieved July 16, 2013, from Hockenbury, D. H., & Hockenbury, S. E. (2014). Discovering psychology (Sixth ed.). New York: Worth Publishers.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Dramatic principle Essay

The Prelude is a long autobiographical poem, described the poet’s love of nature and his own place in the world order. â€Å"Dust as we are, the immortal spirit grows Like harmony in music; there is a dark Inscrutable workmanship that reconciles Discordant elements, makes them cling together In one society. † The Prelude had a great influence in prose poetry (Nichols 66 as quoted by Moore). Lyrical dialogue can be observed in it which shows that through Prelude, he wanted to move away from the monologic lyric. His breaking out from the monologic lyric has created the prose poem. The significant idea that the form of the poem should reflect the experience is denoted by his short poems (Rehder 179 as quoted by Moore). He desired for irregular forms to experience uniqueness (Rehder 206 as quoted by Moore). The poetic genres free verse and prose poetry are actually developed from that idea of uniqueness. Robert Browning had won himself the reputation of a dramatic poet and was able to produce the dramatic monologues. Though at his time a dramatic monologue was not yet a genre, this is considered now as a poetic genre with intriguing characteristics in a sense that it gripped the minds of the scholars. This genre has a characteristic of modern criticism. However, modern criticism stresses on the dramatic part, the dramatic monologue stresses the lyrical characteristics. His monologues incorporate action and conflict in the drama thus it involves outpouring of emotions. It is clearly evident in his work that it is a mixture of lyrical and dramatic (Abou-Bakr). Browning’s collection the Dramatic Lyrics shows his concept of poetic genre particularly about being lyrical and dramatic. It seems that Browning saw the dramatic principle by employing the creation of fictional characters who will take the role of the speaking voice I his poems. These characters or the so-called personae are the ones giving the lyrical utterances or expressions. To Browning, lyrical and dramatic can be differentiated by its proximity from the poet himself. The Confessional exposes not the sin of the persona however it reveals the sin of the priest. It was actually lightened by the humor incorporated in it. You think Priests just and holy men! Before they put me in this den I was a human creature too, With flesh and blood like one of you, A girl that laughed in beauty’s pride Like lilies in your world outside. The father’s head was long and white, With love and truth his brow seemed bright; He told me what he would not tell For hope of heaven or fear of hell; And I lay listening in such pride! And, soon as he had left my side, Tripped to the church by morning-light To save his soul in his despite. Wordsworth’s and Browning’s work are similar in some ways but different in most ways. The main difference of their works is the genre itself. Wordsworth is employing lyrical dialogue in his poems in which he can be one of the persons in the dialogue. He is very effective in showing the beauty of what can be seen due to fact that his poetry are all about those he had highest regard and those he got involve with. His works tell truths of what is truly a happening and there is enthusiasm on it. He developed the prose poetry by employing dialogue in his poems. Browning is more focused on describing what is truly felt. His works dwell on emotions felt by a person in a certain situation. He developed the dramatic monologue which becomes the basis for modern criticism. In his works he makes use of personae to represent the person in the poem. These are actually fictional characters which speak for and express the emotion in the poem. He diverged from what is called tradition of poetry and tried to present his poem in a different view. Works Cited Abou-Bakr, Randa. â€Å"2001. American University in Cairo. Accessed February 8, 2008, from http://www. thefreelibrary. com/ Robert+Browning’s+%22 Dramatic+Lyrics%22: +Contribution+to+a+Genre-a082322117 Brians, Paul. â€Å"Romanticism. † 1998. Accessed Februry 9, 2008, from http://www. wsu. edu /~brians/ hum_303/romanticism. html Moore, Dena L. â€Å"William Wordsworth’s Contribution to Prose Poetry. 2002. Accessed February 8, 2008, from http://www. authorsden. com/visit/viewarticle. asp? AuthorID=3247&id=5659 â€Å"Romantic Movement. † 21st Century Universal Encyclopedia. Eight Edition, 1994. â€Å"Socialist Realism. † 21st Century Universal Encyclopedia. Eight Edition, 1994. â€Å"Social Realism. † Accessed February 9, 2008 from, http://www. freeessays . cc/db/6/ame195. shtml

Monday, July 29, 2019

Postmodernism, marketing and the media Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Postmodernism, marketing and the media - Essay Example The paper "Postmodernism, Marketing and the Media" discusses profound issues behind the post modern marketing era and its influence on modern media and advertising. In this paper there is the broad plane upon which this question is based a detailed answer to this question would be like trying to lock up the entire ocean in one match box but this is what we as marketers do. We try to lock up happiness in a matchbox and will gladly market that given the chance. This is a big bad world of marketing where the entire marketing profession stands accused of crossing ethical boundaries, enticing children and adults alike and using to technology to the point of abuse. Visionaries were looking ahead when they described the post-modern period as one where there would be a growth of tertiary sector and the services industry would boom in the era of multi nationals and a rise in capitalism. However the booming free market would be unable to boast of free speech and democratic values. For Doherty post modernism as phenomena feared human progress and its realities. Other writers have said that this era is a time of uncertainty and doubt and a melting pot of pluralism, democracy and information and consumerism. The marketers have realised that this age has come with its packages of closeness and aids to overcome the physical barriers/social barriers through the media and information technology. Shorter has identified this with â€Å"anonymous intimacy† as people scramble to find emotional depth ... We try to lock up happiness in a matchbox and will gladly market that given the chance. This is a big bad world of marketing where the entire marketing profession stands accused of crossing ethical boundaries, enticing children and adults alike and using to technology to the point of abuse. Welcome to the post-modern marketing era! In this course we were able to discuss the more profound issues behind the post modern marketing era and its influence on modern media and advertising. Visionaries like C. Wright Mills were looking ahead when they described the post-modern period as one where there would be a growth of tertiary sector and the services industry would boom in the era of multi nationals and a rise in capitalism. However the booming free market would be unable to boast of free speech and democratic values in the guise of political and social turmoil. For Doherty (1991) post modernism as phenomena feared human progress and its realities. Other writers have said that this era is a time of uncertainty and doubt (Stacey 1990) and a melting pot of pluralism, democracy and information and consumerism. (Stacey 1990) The marketers have realised that this age has come with its packages of closeness and aids to overcome the physical barriers/social barriers through the media and information technology. Shorter (19 75) has identified this with "anonymous intimacy" as people scramble to find emotional depth due to family ties becoming more distant through TV talk and advice shows and texting and chatting. Technology has blurred the divide between home and work as the internet brings home the world.So are we "what we know" . This is an age of post-modern relativism and pluralism which has replaced the vials of the generally accepted universal

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Exploring the major Sociological theme of Suicide Essay

Exploring the major Sociological theme of Suicide - Essay Example In the Lettres Persanes he speaks of "the misery of the human condition". Speaking of the suicide of Brutus and Cassius, this is what Montesquieu writes: In France, the end of the eighteenth century had seen the beginning of a shift from a moral discourse on suicide to a growing concern with suicide rates. By 1842, Quetelet was investigating the extent to which moral phenomena of suicide could be said to resemble physical phenomena, his answer being that large numbers served to cancel out individual peculiarities and to reveal the institutional and general features of society in the figure of the 'social man', a fictitious being conforming to the median results of statistical analysis. In France, Bertillon's statistical experimentation inspired Durkheim's later adoption of replicative analysis. By the 1850s, French social commentators linked industrialization and the expansion of urban, commercial life to the development of 'gosme' and 'odieux individualisme', both defined in terms Durkheim later applied to anomie, as consequences of moral paralysis. On one hand, pathological individualism was taken to be at the root of social disord er, apathy and exploitation; on both sides of the political spectrum, there was talk of a 'general malaise', of the possibility of social dissolution, and of a 'national decadence', one sign of which was taken to be a falling birth rate and it is interesting to note, as Lukes does, that Durkheim authored a paper on birth rates and suicide in 1888. There was a felt sense that the decline of those traditional moral controls associated with pre-revolutionary social formations had left a vacuum. If one were anticlerical, this vacuum was to be filled by a new, secular morality, answerable in the abstract to reason and in practice to a science of normalcy or health. If one were a Catholic traditionalist, it would be addressed by a revival of Christian moral education and the social authority of the Church. On the other hand, social anarchy, and political anarchism, was likened to forms of 'hysteria' arising from excessive individualism on one hand and the formation of 'crowds' on the other. The mass popularity of romantic literature was blamed for a degenerate aestheticism leading to a suicide 'mania' escorting the types designated social conditions affecting suicide rates, not motivations for individual acts. But it is worth noting that Durkheim's more specific images of the types of suicide are often couched in subjectively

Saturday, July 27, 2019

My Left Foot Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

My Left Foot - Essay Example They have been treated like a burden and nuisance. To a certain extent, they are deprived of caring, which they must deserve. I strongly feel that this kind of situation is unjust for all of those who are handicapped. They are not treated as decent as a normal human being should, which is already unjust and unacceptable because it is ethically and morally wrong. On the other hand, there are moments where Christy is treated like he is a major spectacle. People would clamour towards him. I felt that people are fascinated about his condition. However, there are instances that people abused him and took advantage of him due to his crippled and incompetent state. People made fun of him. This is quite frustrating because of the insensitivity and inconsideration about his situation. There are moments that handicapped people might do something that is spectacular but it is even unfair for them to be objects of entertainment. It might be good to applaud these handicaps of what they can do but it is not fair for them to be treated as such because it appears quite tokenistic. I daresay it is tokenistic in that case due to the fact that people just recognize that good and plausible things that these handicapped people are capable of doing. What seems to be more problematic, in terms of my perspective, is that those people, who have enjoyed upon seeing such, have not done anything tangible to help these handicapped people to improve their conditions further. This is something that struck me in the whole process of watching the film due to the virtuosity of the actors and actresses to show the pain and madness; the frustrations and delight. In the end, I realized that I have not shown so much care, compassion and sensitivity to the handicapped people. I do felt that I have a responsibility to help them in any way possible.

Securitisation of Bank Loans and Reasons Why Banks Securitise Some of Essay

Securitisation of Bank Loans and Reasons Why Banks Securitise Some of its Loans - Essay Example 11) further describe securitisation as a financial practice which involves pooling together the various types of contractual debts for instance commercial and residential mortgages, automobile loans or credit card liability obligations and marketing the combined debt as bonds, securities or collateralized mortgage obligation to various investors. The principal and interests accruing from the debt and the underlying security is paid to the investors on regular basis. Securitisation has also been defined by (Samantha, 2005, p. 1) as the process of converting the existing assets or future cash flows into marketable securities. Converting existing assets to marketable securities is known as asset-backed securitisation while securities supported by the mortgage receivable are known as mortgage-backed securities (MBI) (Samantha, 2005, p. 1). Securitisation can help improve the liquidity, reduce risks associated with credit and interest rates; supplement fee income and boost the leverage ra tios. Despite these gains, some financial institutions are reluctant to securitize their loans given the disadvantages of this practice. This paper will first assess the process of securitisation and then make a study into the reasons why banks securitize their loans (Altunbas, Gambacorta and Marques, 2007, p. ... This reduced the available funds thereby limiting the ability of banks to meet the growing demand for loans and could only raise the additional funds from the market. However, securitisation provides a way for unblocking those funds and freeing them to be loaned to customers. The process of securitisation starts with the bank putting together a collection of loans it plans to issue to investors as collateralize notes (Simonson, 1995, p. 77). He asserts that the loans must be homogenous as regards to the underwriting standards of the issuing bank and should have a fixed maturity and in the case of credit card; a fixed revolving balance. Moreover, the pooled loans should have the same risk profile. After the loans have been bundled, the issuing bank comes up with a special purpose trust which acquires the bundled loans. Generally, the trust procures credit enhancement from a third party in the form of assurance in the portion the possible losses. Thereafter, the trust gets into a conta ct with an underwriter who issues the notes; usually at a high rate against the loans (Simonson, 1995, p. 77). Institutional investors are the ones who usually buy the notes as the bank continues the servicing the loans. To understand securitisation, (Simonson, 1995, p. 77) gives an example of a bank, ABC that gives out loans and these are maintained on the balance sheet as its assets. The bank therefore has a pool of funds that are locked up as loans. The customer who has been loaned by the bank is known as obligors. To unblock those funds, the assets have to be reverted back to the originator (ABC bank holding the assets) to a special purpose vehicle (SPV). SPV is also known as the issuer and is usually

Friday, July 26, 2019

State of Economy (Michigan) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

State of Economy (Michigan) - Essay Example Based on this evidence, economists remain certain that Michigan economic status will continue to climb out of its deep economic hole. The economy has enjoyed an increasingly substantial economic recovery from the Great Recession for instance the GDP of the state has increased up to 385 dollar in 2011 compared 352 dollars of the last two years and this can be attributed to some key indicators. The per capita income of the nation has increased by 0.7% in the 3rd quarter of 2012 on a yearly basis, even thought this rise was lower compared to the 2rd quarter. Based on this evidence, the GDP of the nation is calculated to be increasing at a 0.8 percent compared to the previous years. The figure below shows Michigan economic growth after the Great Recession This extensive economic growth – as shown in the figure is assumed to be from manufacturing sector. For instance, manufacturing has a great contribution to the positive economic growth index especially the automobile industry. Th e other main contribution is from the construction sector that has made an enormous growth index change since 2005. Other crucial indicators of Michigan’s economic growth include reduction in the unemployment rate from 9.2 percent to 8.7 percent between October and November. For instance, between 2011 and 2012, the nation has had substantial growth in private sector employment. This qualified Michigan to be among the top six rapidly growing world economies. The levels of employment in the nation have currently shown some improvement signs since the end of the Great Recession in 2009 (Barenblat, 25). For example, the nation’s household employment has risen to about 2.7% matching the national gain of the state. In addition, the greatest employment increased is evidence in some sectors such as education, health services, hospitality sector, leisure, logging in addition, mining sectors, with health sector adding up 1.7 million employment opportunities accounting for 50% of the job opportunities created since recession in 2008. Similarly, the housing market has also show some minimal improvements that may viewed as economic improvement indicators and the United States sales of light vehicles has been very strong in December, assisting in boosting the production of Michigan light motor vehicles in 2012. For instance, statistics shows that housing markets are stabilizing with rise in sales and prices. Although, new homes constructions remain minimal, they are expected to rise and meet the gap demand. The business climate of the nation and the economy have enhanced during the past few years although the change has not been stronger to push the nation in the top ten economically strong nations. Following the reduction of business taxation and shift of corporate tax, the business condition of the Michigan has shifted to be among the top seven best economies of the world. Economists report that the GDP per capita and employment rates of Michigan has increas ed substantially compared to their peer nations since 2008-9. A firm competitive business climate in Michigan in conjunction with innovative customer service based administration has great impacts on the country’s economic growth. The nation has reinvented the stated government in crucial ways to function for the best for its entire people. Their policies has shifted a 1.5 billion dollars deficit in the budget without the use of on-time accounting tricks and

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Customizing the Body and Constructing Gender Essay

Customizing the Body and Constructing Gender - Essay Example In postmodern society, art has undergone several evolutions with one invention of the human body being used as one of the medium of expressing art. Body tattooing, body piercings, incisions like tongue splitting, elongation of body parts are just among the many ways the evolution of body modification evolution has undergone (Rose, 1993).Tattooing and body piercing are perceived as acts of pursuit of empowerment and self-expression. In countries, such as Australia and the U.S., different social groups that associate themselves with Homosexuality, Nerdism, Supremacists, Modern religions and atheists, use tattooing as a symbol of self-stigmatization and as a form of communicative or per formative expression (Rose, 1993). Medically body modification may include plastic surgery, circumcision, body amputation, body piercing, tattooing, and body parts elongations amongst others. According to Edelman, the modern society women may disregard the outlook of some parts of their bodies, and subsequently resort to plastic surgery (Edelman, 2000). The body parts that are commonly modified include the breasts, cheeks, lips, buttocks, thighs amongst others(Edelman, 2000).Some individuals resort to body amputations due to pain or medical implication such as cancer or viral infection, which cannot be treated unless the amputation is performed by a qualified doctor. Others pierce their bodies to cope with trauma or stress to act as therapeutic process, which subsequently helps the subjects in coping with the reaction of the body and mind (Edelman, 2000). Legally, body modification under the American State Laws, stipulates that it should only be done on an individual who is of legal age (18-years-old), of sane mind, voluntarily, and the individual should not be under any influence of intoxications such as alcohol, drugs (Edelman, 2000). Only a qualified physician should perform body modifications that culminate to extreme actions

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

E-Customer Relationship Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

E-Customer Relationship Management - Essay Example   Although e customer relations management is a fairly new area of study for businesses and related stake holders, there has been research taken up to show the possible solutions to the   business problem as presented above. These solutions have been projected to help the organizations increase and maintain their customers through the provision of quality customer relations. The first solution that shall be looked into is developing customer focused business strategies. This involves considering the consumer throughout the process of developing a business strategy (Shanmugasundaram, 2008). This means the organization has to understand the needs of the consumers as well as the demands and through this they can be able to project what demands the consumers might make in the future. The most effective way of getting to the level where an organization can make projections into the future about the demands of their clients, is by providing channels of communications that enable the cl ient to give their views on the products provide4d as well as communication what the consumer would like the organization to improve or include in the line of their production (Romano and Fjermestad, 2006). By so doing the client gets to choose which channel of communication best suits them and thereafter the organization can use that to communicate on a personal level to the consumer telling them of new products and of upcoming sales. This creates a personal feel to the relationship.... Following research undertaken to understand the potential markets and increased profit presented by the Internet, e customer relationship management has come forth as an area that has not yet been fully looked into. Studies continue to show that online based organizations do not offer competitive customer service to counter their offline competition whose customer relations management supersedes that of the online based firms. According to the research report by Lee-Kelley, Gilbert, and Mannincom (2003), many firms in the U.K that went online were blinded by the perception that the Internet provides a near perfect market. This belief led most of the firms to decrease the attention on other strategies of pleasing the client and instead focused on setting the price. This led to aspects such as feature, quality and customer relations being compromised and this meant the organizations did not enjoy the full potential of opportunities created by the Internet. One of the rationales for the concentration of setting the prices is the fact that with online transactions, the consumer is able to compare different firms offering the same item and this creates price wars. This makes firms engage in an act that eventually benefits the consumers more. Although e customer relations management is a fairly new area of study for businesses and related stake holders, there has been research taken up to show the possible solutions to the business problem as presented above. These solutions have been projected to help the organizations increase and maintain their customers through the provision of quality customer relations. The first solution that shall be looked into is developing customer focused business

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Discuss the advantages of learning Standard American English as it Essay - 1

Discuss the advantages of learning Standard American English as it relates to your previous experiences - Essay Example One merit I can personally attribute to knowledge of the English language is that it enables one to faster access to the news. Global news networks such as NBC and CNN use standard American English as their main language. Hence with just tuning in to these networks I was able to obtain access to worldwide news without having to use a translated version of the network. Using a translated version can be associated with problems since most entities focus on the English part rather than the translated version. In the entertainment industry, Hollywood productions account for most of the viewed material in the world. Hence since these productions mainly incorporate American English as the default language then it naturally is spread more in the world. Thus a person who is literate in American English will be able to enjoy the films. The music industry is also dominated by the English language. Thus being fluent in English will subject one to greater enjoyment of the music. Most global magazines are written in English. For example ‘SLAM’ is a sports magazine that focuses on basketball. It is written in American English. Hence for a basketball fan who wants to keep in up to date with the happenings of the basketball community, being conversant with the English language will result in the person being able to do just that. Personally, having a couple of friends who are fans of the sport and are conversant with standard American English, this fact becomes evident to me. Many websites in the internet primarily use English as their default language. Hence with knowledge of the same one can be able to navigate effectively and make maximum use of them. These sites will in essence be more difficult to use for a person who doesn’t understand standard American English. Owing to the fact that English Is widely used in the world it is advantageous to know it when travelling. This is because it will provide you with a platform to communicate with the residents of the

Monday, July 22, 2019

Psychodynamic Counselling Concept Essay Example for Free

Psychodynamic Counselling Concept Essay In this essay I mainly discuss the theory and concepts behind psychodynamic counselling, followed by brief discussions of the practice and skills involved in working as a psychodynamic counsellor, and the client’s experience of counselling. Theory/concepts Psychodynamic counselling is mainly concerned with unconscious processes; it takes for granted that humans possess a largely unconscious inner world. Freud argued that while the conscious mind is governed by logic, the unconscious mind is not, and functions in a very literal way, motivated only to experience pleasure, unable to delay gratification. Although Psychodynamic counselling works with the conscious mind, it mainly focuses on unconscious processes. We have key figures in our lives – e.g. parents, carers, and partners are referred to as ‘objects’, and relationships with them termed ‘object relationships’. The phrase ‘object’ refers to the Freudian concept of the target, or object of the instinct. Object relationships embody not only actual relationships but also the ways that the conscious mind distorts them. The unconscious is viewed as dynamic and purposeful, having huge impact on emotions and behaviour. Psychodynamic theory posits that humans are driven by a need to remain unaware of uncomfortable truths that emerge from the unconscious, experiencing many conflicting needs and demands, e.g. between one’s own wishes and those of others. To deal with conflicts people develop ‘defences’, these include ‘repression’, a form of forgetting, ‘denial’, claiming that something is not upsetting when really it is, and ‘rationalisation’, where a story is created to account for that which feels uncomfortable. ‘Projection’ involves attributing to others characteristics unacceptable to the self, making assumptions about them based on the need to avoid threat. Psychodynamic counselling encourages the client to recognise and accept the troubling attribute, a process called ‘reintrojection’. To engage in projection a defence mechanism called, ‘splitting’, is used when one is finding it too  threatening to accept two opposing traits, such as being capable of both love and hate. It is natural to develop defences, but problems come with their overuse, e.g. using denial so often that problems are not faced. Applying defences too rigidly causes difficulties, and it’s when they start to disintegrate that individuals might seek counselling. Psychodynamic counselling holds that psychological symptoms emerge from the inner world. e.g., developmental problems or conflict may lead to anxiety or self-harm. The psychodynamic approach seeks to address these issues at their roots, as well as alleviating symptoms. Psychodynamic counselling is based on developmental theory, and asserts that childhood experiences affect adult personality. It is understood that episodic memory is physically unavailable to children under three, but that implicit memory and body memory function from an earlier age. Neuroscience now supports the concept that early emotional experiences influence brain development; the psychodynamic approach posits that the client-counsellor relationship is crucial to the process of change. This is considered in terms of three concepts, the first being transference: â€Å"All those impulses experienced by the patient in relation with the analyst which are not newly created by the objective analytic situation but have their source in early – indeed, the very earliest – object relations†. The counsellor may become aware of feelings in him/herself indicating issues that the client is unable to express; this is ‘counter transference’. The ‘real relationship’ is that which is free of the previous two dynamics. Within the client-counsellor relationship, elements of the client’s inner world can be revealed and become available for healing (Howard, 2011, p.22-25) Practice/skills Psychodynamic counselling employs a number of basic skills that are common to other approaches. It shares the core values of the Rogerian approach: empathy, congruence and unconditional positive regard. The ability to listen is of course crucial. Summarising and reflecting back to the client what s/he has said are necessary skills, as well as being able to say things that the client will find difficult to hear. The following are skills specific to Psychodynamic counselling; Gaining informed consent involves informing the client of the nature, risks and benefits of counselling at the appropriate time; not so soon as to scare him/her away, but in good time. For this purpose it is advisable for the counsellor to be aware of when the assessment phase is concluding, as this is the best time to invite informed consent. The counsellor’s attention to the client is one element that facilitates change. The counsellor must alternate between close listening to the client and attention to how s/he will respond, alert to transference and counter transference. To be aware of both the conscious and unconscious elements of the client’s communication, the counsellor must practice ‘evenly suspended attention’. The counsellor must listen to unconscious communication as well as the explicit information the client is presenting. This includes being able to consider why the client is behaving and speaking as they are, linking this to issues arising in transference, and being able to raise such issues with the client. The counsellor will also make interpretations based on ‘extra transference’ – grasping connections between events, thoughts and behaviour unrelated to the client-counsellor relationship. The client’s experience Initially a client experiences the formal behaviour of the counsellor, sessions have boundaries of time, space, and confidentiality and these factors contribute to a sense of safety and predictability. The client should come to feel ‘held’ by the counselling experience, enabling him/her to feel able to explore painful issues and memories: â€Å"a safe space to lower one’s defences, be vulnerable and be held together.† Receiving a counsellor’s undivided attention contributes to this; Dibs In Search of Self illustrates an emotionally deprived child’s first experiences of undivided and non-judgemental attention, enabling him to blossom in self-discovery. A client goes through a process of developing informed consent, the transference relationship begins once enough trust is established, as it may be experienced as threatening. The client develops an attachment to the counsellor as someone who can help and care for them, and thus may become fearful both of their own needs and of being let down .The ending of the relationship can be painful for the client, and the counsellor should allow plenty of time to deal with issues around this. In conclusion, psychodynamic counselling functions to bring to awareness of the unconscious processes that govern the client’s inner life. A variety of practices are employed in order to supply a client with a sense of security as well as a source of challenge in order to facilitate positive change. References AXLINE, V. M., 1990. Dibs, In Search of Self. London: Penguin FREUD, A., 1937. The Ego and the Mechanisms of Defence. London: Hogarth HOWARD, S., 2011. Psychodynamic Counselling in a Nutshell. 2nd edition. London: Sage. HOWE, D., 1993. On Being a Client. London: Sage

Thomas Hobbes Essay Example for Free

Thomas Hobbes Essay Thomas Hobbes was an Englishman who wrote the Leviathan during the English Civil War in the 17th century. Naturally Hobbes spends chapter five, and most of the Leviathan describing how to avoid internal conflict. Hobbes argues that by using logical reasoning and eliminating disagreement a state can avoid internal conflict. Hobbes begins chapter five with a definition for reason and the operations that are involved. Hobbes continues his explanation of reason by describing the proper use of reasoning and how absurdity arises. He elaborates on errors and absurdities, explicitly their causes. Hobbes ends chapter five with his description of the connection between reason and science. Hobbes describes reason as the summation of information, or the analyzing of the repercussions of the actions to which we are reasoning for or against. Particularly, the consequences others will pay in one’s attainment of their goal. Hobbes describes operations used by mathematicians: addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division; Logicians use the same operations but with words. Politicians use these same operations to delegate duties among men. Hobbes elaborates, â€Å"In sum whatsoever the matter, a place for addition and subtraction, there is also a place for reason; and where these have no place, there reason has nothing at all to do†(32). Addition and subtraction are not caged in mathematics; these operations are also the foundation of reason. Hobbes then explains that reason does not exist without fault. Even the most capable, attentive, practiced men can reach false conclusions. Just as mathematicians can make mistakes in their calculations, no mans reason is certain even if approved by many. Hobbes states that reason can be driven by ulterior motives. Men create reasoning that will help to push their agenda and reach their intended goal. Hobbes explains that when we are using reason we must proceed cautiously. Man must carefully analyze the foundation of his reasoning. Hobbes then describes how an error and absurdity can occur. Relying on knowledge of previous reasoning can lead one to a different outcome; this is what Hobbes defines as an error. When one draws a conclusion based on false assumptions, this is what Hobbes defines as absurdity or senseless speech. However, Hobbes further explains that an error is a deception, there is no way to truly determine whether it is impossible. Hobbes argues that the phrase free will is absurd. The word free itself is not free from opposition. Hobbes argues that philosophers are the most guilty of preaching absurdities, â€Å"Nothing so absurd, but may be found in the books of philosophers†(34). Unlike mathematics, there is no solid foundation of information to work upon. Hobbes then explains how these absurdities arise. In seven points Hobbes explains that absurdity arises from the preaching of unaccredited philosophies and improper estimation of ramifications of applying said philosophies. Hobbes argues that a man can avoid absurdity by properly analyzing consequences of actions in order to reach a particular goal. A man must have a good foundation of principles in order to reason logically. Hobbes states that reason is not inherent, nor can it be obtained by experience only. There is no right reason constituted by nature. One must properly identify the components involved in their reasoning and have a solid method of operation to analyze the ramifications of one’s actions. Hobbes explains the connection between science and reasoning, â€Å" Science is simply the knowledge of consequences, and dependence of the one fact upon another†(35). To Hobbes, the process of science is reason. In practicality man should use prudence in reasoning, however many profess their sapience, using alternative untested methods to yield the same results. Rather than rely on the credited work by authors, they create their own version of reasoning and mode of operation. Hobbes argues that this philosophical reformation is necessary to the preservation of peace. This reformed logical reasoning will be easily applicable to everyone. If a state promotes the use of practical logic as definite as geometric logic, the state could avoid internal warfare. Hobbes argues that we must not accept that something is true just because many believe it to be true. In order to properly analyze the truth, the people must appoint a leader to judge and determine the proper way to deal with issues that face the state. Hobbes states that the only way to eliminate internal conflict is to eliminate disagreement. By subduing to a higher power that promotes logical reason rather than false philosophies, a state can eliminate internal conflict.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Understanding The Causes Of Phobias Psychology Essay

Understanding The Causes Of Phobias Psychology Essay Phobia is one of the famous psychological disorders and many people suffer from it, therefore we choose it as a topic of our research. Moreover, phobia is an attractive topic because it is a personal disorder. Although phobia is spread widely, many people do not know what the word means, so if we want to give a definition for phobia, we can say it is an irrational fear that produces a conscious avoidance of the feared subject, activity, or situation (Preda, 2010). Not all phobias have a name, but that doesnt mean that they do not exist, they exist and need to be cared. People who suffer from phobic disorder are different in their own type of phobia; also those people may live in different environments or in the same environment. In our research, we are trying to know if the environment plays a role in having phobia or not. So we made a survey on adults in different places in UAE, targeting Emiratis and expatriates for more than 5 years in GCC countries and it includes questions askin g about the types of phobia the sample have, the reason of their phobia and the procedures to overcome phobia in their opinion. According to Murtagh (2002) there are three classifications of phobic states. First , specific phobia which for example , spiders , snakes , dogs , thunder, toads,à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦etc, for example, When a few friends walk around and suddenly a big snack show up, perhaps some of them will get little fear and the others will have extreme fear (Ophidiphobia) . For those people who get little fear, maybe they will shock or they will feel fear or terror, but will they be snaking phobic?! Perhaps the snake will step back while they are standing steady. Their feeling of fear or terror will decrease or refluent, and if there are wary about snack, they will not feel phobia .but for the others who feel so scared, they cant see snakes. They even cannot accept the concept of biting and poisons. They cant forget it because their minds relive it over and over again. Second Agoraphobia, fear of spaces or public places, it is more likely to occur in public transportation or shops. People who have this type of phobia avoid being outside home because they feel like they will lose control and cant do anything. Third, social phobias like fear, anxiety or provoking from social activities, those people cant deal with other people; they feel shy of speaking or acting. In 2010 Morrow said that any phobia can be developed as a traumatic experience in three situations. First, direct exposure to a traumatic event means a direct learning experience. For example, some people have dog phobia because they have bitten by a dog, so the reason of their phobia is a direct experience to a traumatic event (dog bite). Second, Witnessing a traumatic event, or in  simple words  (observational learning experience). When someone fears from specific thing or situation because of traumatic event of that thing or situation, some others may suffer from phobia from the same thin g or situation. For example, when parents fear from heights or they have tragic experiences on it, which can cause a phobic behavior on individual who grows with them towards heights. Another environment factor can develop a phobia is hearing or reading about any dangerous situation or events (informational learning). Anyone can get or have a specific phobia when hearing or reading about these kinds of situations. For example, a fear from flying could be caused by repeatedly listening to any news talking about plan crashes. Also any child could get phobia from an animal when their parents warn them all the time about the danger from it. Also phobia can cause by combine two elements together one is neutral stimulus and the other is an anxiety response like someone driving in the highway (neutral stimulus) and suddenly he got sudden attack , he will panic ( anxiety response) that make him develop avoidance of highways and become a phobic. Recent Findings: The basic neuroimaging research suggests that greater activation of the amygdale to novel versus familiar faces may be an underlying trait marker for social phobia. Social phobia may represent a phenotype that expresses a genetically driven trait of social withdrawal, which may be related to infantile inhibited temperament (Kagans syndrome). The development of virtual reality therapy as therapeutic tool for social phobia appeared promising in one controlled, but not randomized, study. A controlled study suggests that social phobias in children can be effectively treated with cognitive behavioral therapy. This represents an extension of the work done with adults. Venlafaxine appears an effective short-term treatment for social anxiety disorder in two controlled studies. A new compound, pregabalin, appeared clearly effective in a positive controlled study. This trial marks the advent of a new pharmacological lineage for social phobia. Both venlafaxine and pregabalin, h owever, have been studied in short-term studies. Longer follow-up and relapse prevention studies are warranted. Phobias are characterized by excessive fear, cued by the presence or anticipation of a fearful situation. Whereas it is well established that glucocorticoids are released in fearful situations, it is not known whether these hormones, in turn, modulate perceived fear. As extensive evidence indicates that elevated glucocorticoid levels impair the retrieval of emotionally arousing information, they might also inhibit retrieval of fear memory associated with phobia and, thereby, reduce phobic fear. Here, we investigated whether acutely administrated glucocorticoids reduced phobic fear in two double-blind, placebo-controlled studies in 40 subjects with social phobia and 20 subjects with spider phobia. In the social phobia study, cortisone (25 mg) administered orally 1 h before a socio-evaluative stressor significantly reduced self-reported fear during the anticipation, exposure, and recovery phase of the stressor. Moreover, the stress-induced release of cortisol in placebo-treated subject s correlated negatively with fear ratings, suggesting that endogenously released cortisol in the context of a phobic situation buffers fear symptoms. In the spider phobia study, repeated oral administration of cortisol (10 mg), but not placebo, 1 h before exposure to a spider photograph induced a progressive reduction of stimulus-induced fear. This effect was maintained when subjects were exposed to the stimulus again 2 days after the last cortisol administration, suggesting that cortisol may also have facilitated the extinction of phobic fear. Cortisol treatment did not reduce general, phobia-unrelated anxiety. In conclusion, the present findings in two distinct types of phobias indicate that glucocorticoid administration reduces phobic fear. (Leila M. Soravia, 2006) As we know Phobia is extreme anxiety (fear) to a certain objects, conditions or people. Medical phobia is known to be fear of health related objects and conditions (e.g. blood, death, diseases, cancer, infections, injections, and bacteria). From a survey done by our group members the statistics show that 26% of males suffer from medical phobia, while only 22% of females suffer from the same kind of phobia. Its hard to define what causes medical phobia, sometimes an unpleasant experience triggers it and this is usually would happen in an early age. (Marks, 1987) One of the well known kinds of medical phobias is the phobia from blood. In males and females the amount of people suffering this phobia are 13%. This type of phobia is common in adults and children. Its most common with the persons own blood, and most of the time it leads the person to faint, nausea, anxiety, and severs vomiting. (Marks, 1987)It could also be not from a personal experience, but that kind is not as sever as the one from the personal experiences. Death phobia is the most common kind of medical phobia in both males at 26% and females at 25%. This happens usually at an early age when the persons lose someone close to them. Also their fear of what comes after death, and their unaccomplished goals. Phobia from diseases is more common in males than in females 22% to 7% respectively. This phobia is triggered more in males because they are more outdoors more than females, diseases transfer between humans through simple things as simple as air. It usually occurs from personal experiences. This phobia includes all kinds of diseases, from a simple cold or flu to deadly diseases such as Suflas and malaria. Phobia from cancer is common more in females at 25% while in males its only 11%. It is not the same as phobia from diseases, this is only phobia from cancer and all its types (e.g. heart cancer, lung cancer, etcà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦). The phobia attack strikes straight when they hear the word cancer. This phobia is mostly triggered from personal experience or someone close to them experiences it. At 13% in males and females, infection phobia causes the person to spend a lot of time under the shower and scared to death to get hurt and there constantly visiting the doctors for full body check-ups to make sure they are infection-free from everything. Extreme fear of injections or phobia from injections combines several phobias together (i.e. blood, injury, and being threatened by sharp objects). This kind of phobia is equally common in males and females at 13%, p eople suffering from this phobia always refuse to consult doctors simply because of their fear to have to take a blood test, and its very hard to convince them otherwise. Phobia from bacteria is the least common in males and females at 2% to 4% respectively. People suffering this kind of phobia always have to stay clean and everything around them has to stay clean too, these people usually get sick a lot more and faster than other people because their immune system is weaker. (Marks, 1987) For males, (12%) who afraid from water and see , (17.5%) of them shows there panic from monsters, (32.5%) of them admit that they are extreme fear from ghosts, (2.5 %) shows that they terrified from clowns,(15%) shows that they terrify from flying, and (2.5%) shows that they are panic from electricity . on the other hand , females are showing also phobia toward those situation, (14%) shows that they afraid from water and sea, (14.3%) of them are afraid from monsters , ( 28.6% ) of them shows that panic from ghosts, (26.2%) of them are extremely fear from graves, ( 2.4% ) of them are fear from clowns, (9.5%) shows that they are afraid from sea, ( 14.3%) of them are fear from flying, no one of female is afraid of electricity. As statistical graph shows, the extreme fear (from both genders) is from ghosts, graves and monsters, this phobia could happen due to some reasons. First, it might be that person sees many quick death events in front of his eyes and it develop in him the extreme fear of graves. Second, who like to be alone in every time and situations, he/she will felt the ghosts around them, they will think that they are followed and that will make them very scared. Third, the media play a big role in spreading the ghost and monster phobias, for example: Amityville Horror a film about ghosts, the purpose for it was to earn more many and to scare people (Stefko, 2010) So we can infer that the majority of causing phobia is past experience, may they faced the situation from first time individually or with groups like friends who may have genetic phobia or they have past experience on the same situation as a result the person has phobic because of that. we will not considered the answer of I dont know as an important factor because as we say some of people especially female (from figure) not prefer to tell what is the reason of having phobia or it may one of the other factors such as society or media or even past experience . Although there is no meaningful difference between people who get phobia from society and people who get phobia from media but it shows also meaningful reason of the high of society phobia rather than media. The reason is that people are more interact with each other; they share their feeling of different things. It is obvious that media is the last thing that lead to phobia to UAE people earthier the people have no much time to watch or listen to media or they expressed early that there is nothing on TV that make them become phobic because they used of it . From both genders we noticed that 46% of them think that facing and dealing with the phobic condition is the best way to overcome phobia. We can say that the reason of their opinion is they have phobia because of something or situation they did not test it before, or they may think facing and dealing with the phobic condition can make them get used to the phobic situation and beat their fear. For those who chose (counseling) and they represent 24%, the reason of their choice, is counseling can help them by giving them some advices to beat their fear. 30% is the percentage of who chose (support of family and friends) as the best procedure, and they may think that when family and friends support them by encouraging them they will overcome their phobia.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Controlling Soil Fertility Essay -- Agriculture Farming Essays

Controlling Soil Fertility Approximately 2 billion hectares of land, 17% of the total vegetated area of the earth has been degraded for agricultural purposes since 1945 (Oldeman et al., 1990). Oldeman et al. (1990) classify about half of this degraded area as still permitting agricultural use, but with greatly reduced productivity, and in the rest no agriculture is deemed possible. The causes of this degradation are overgrazing (35%), agricultural activities (28%), deforestation (30%), over exploitation (7%) and industrialization (1%). Wind and water erosion are the principal mechanisms of this soil degradation, accounting for about 56% and 28% respectively of the total; 12% is attributable to chemical degradation (due to insufficient manure and fertilizer returned to cropped areas, salinization by unwise irrigation or drainage, soil acidification not corrected by liming, and pollution caused by industrial and other urban uses) and the remaining 4% is physical degradation from compaction or flooding. (Oldeman et al., 1990) Moreover, it has become increasingly evident that although crop yields seem to be increasing, they are increasing at a decreasing rate. Krauss and Allmaras (1982) argue that this is largely due to the fact that in many areas, poor soil management is leading to soil degradation which is ignored as long as crop yields continue to rise. Technological advances such as improved cultivation systems, irrigation and pest control mask the negative effects of poor soil management on crop yields (Krauss and Allmaras, 1982, p85). What are the factors that contribute to the suitability of a soil for agricultural purposes? To what extent can people control these factors to halt soil degradation and maintain, enha... ..., L.R., V.W.P van Engelen, and J.H.M. Pulles. 1990. The extent of human induced soil degradation. Annex 5 of World Man of the Status of Human-Induced Soil Degradation: An Explanatory Note, rev. 2nd edn., International Soil Reference and Information Center, Wageningen, Netherlands as cited by J.Schnoor and V. Thomas, 1994, Soil as a Vulnerable Environmental System pp233-44 in R. Socolow, C. Andrews, F. Berkhour and V. Thomas (eds.), Industrial Ecology and Global Change: Cambridge University Press. Robinson, C.A., R.M. Cruse, and K.A. Kohler, 1994, Soil Management, pp 109-134 in J.L. Hatfield and D.L. Karlen (eds.) Sustainable Agricultural Systems: Boca Raton, Florida, Lewis Publishers, 316pp. USGS, 1988, Essential Elements and Soil Amendments for Plants: Sources and use for agriculture: U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1017, U.S. Government Printing Office, 48pp

Friday, July 19, 2019

Spatial Cognition and Navigation :: Philosophy Philosophical Papers

Spatial Cognition and Navigation In the complex dissection of the human brain evolving in our course, great strides have been made on the path to comprehension of thought and action. Evidence concerning the true relationship of mind, body, and behavior has been elucidated through discoveries of the neural pathways enabling active translation of input to output. We have suggested the origins of action, discussed stimuli both internal and external, as well as concepts of self, agency, and personality interwoven with a more accessible comprehension of physical functionality. However, I remain unable to superimpose upon the current construct of brain and behavior a compatible notion of awareness of self. What are the cognitive and neural mechanisms involved in understanding the spatial relationships between oneself and other objects in the world? How do we even become aware of space and the environment in which we live? What element of the nervous system governs those processes, which enable human beings to navigat e through space? The term "spatial cognition" is used to describe those processes controlling behavior that must be directed at particular location, as well as those responses that depend on location or spatial arrangement of stimuli (1). Navigation refers to the process of strategic route planning and way finding, where way finding is defined as a dynamic step-by-step decision-making process required to negotiate a path to a destination (2). As a spatial behavior, negotiation demands a spatial representation; a neural code that distinguishes one place or spatial arrangement of stimuli from another (1). What, though, serves as such a representation in navigation and from where are these representations derived? The processes occurring within the hippocampus provide such representations. The hippocampal mode of processing is concerned primarily with large distances and long spaces of time. These processes demand a very specific form of spatial representation, which relate locations to one another as well as to landmarks in an environment, rather than simply to the agent of action. Spatial attention and action, which result from encoded sensory information, are controlled by the parietal neocortex (1). Information relating to the location and stimuli derived from that location is encoded in sensory cortices. Informed by this egocentric information, allocentric representations provide a basis from which one's current location and orientation can be computed from one's relationship to sensory cues in the environment. This particular set of locations is referred to as a cognitive map.

Daucus carota - Origins and New Directions :: Botany

Daucus carota - Origins and New Directions Daucus carota (carrots) are one of the more commonly used vegetables in the western world. A member of the parsley family (Umbelliferae) which includes caraway, celery, dill, and parsnips, the history of the carrot is somewhat obscure. The potential for enhancing the nutritional value and consumption of carrots, however, may be very promising. Carrots are high in beta-carotene, an anti-oxidant carotenoid that is the carotenoid compound most readily converted to vitamin A when consumed by animals. Carrots likely originated in the near east and central Asia, from Afghanistan to northwest India, where they were probably cultivated for at least 3,000 years. Carrots may have originally become domesticated through the discarding of the propagating structures after the vegetative structures were consumed. The potential of the remains to continue growth is high. Therefore, it is possible that the disposal of these vegetable tops in garbage heaps may have allowed for colonization of the area and subsequent domestication (Rindos, 1984). Very early evidence of the consumption of carrots also has been found in prehistoric Swiss lake dwellings (Brothwell and Brothwell, 1969). The original wild-type carrots were thin, wiry, and varied in color from white to purple, but not the common orange that we see today. Wild-type carrots are also known as Queen Anne's Lace. The origin of the name is based upon an English legend. Supposedly, when the future Queen Anne arrived from Denmark to became the queen of King James I of England, wild carrot was still a novelty in the royal gardens. The legend states that Queen Anne challenged the ladies of the court to a contest to see who could produce a pattern of lace as lovely as the flower of the carrot. The ladies knew that no one could rival the queen's handiwork so it became a triumph for Anne (Haughton, 1978). Other common names for wild carrot are bird's-nest and devil's-plague. Mutations led to changes in the pigmentation. Both the purple and yellow-orange varieties migrated to the Mediterranean where they responded well to cultivation and selection (Brothwell and Brothwell, 1969). Carrots were recognized as one of the plants in the garden of the Egyptian king Merodach-Baladan in the eighth century B.C. The carrot's use was believed to to be limited during this time and throughout the rise of the Greek and Roman civilizations (Brothwell and Brothwell, 1969). Both the Greeks and the Romans were believed to have used carrots for medicinal purposes (Herfruit S.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Ib Theatre Ri Noh Costume Essay

Noh is known as the classical lyrics drama of Japan. Noh is a combination of serveral dance and drama forms that came before it. (Noh and Kyogen) It embraces the people’s love for the religious and cultral traditions that involve the mix of Japanese Dengaku and Sarugaku (which is a mix between a style of dance and mime). (Noh and Kyogen) Noh is fundamentally a symbolic theatre that focuses on the representation and appreciation of ritual traditions and the appreciation of culture. A tradtitional romantic play in Noh theater is Hanjo (Lady Han). The story of Hanjo is about a yujo named Hanago that works in an inn. A man named Yoshida no Shosho came into the inn for the night on his journey east. Hanago and Yoshida no Shosho fell in love and exchanged fans before he leaves for his journey. After Shosho is gone Hanago becomes nicknamed Hanjo becuase of her deranged and obsessive love for Shosho with the only memories of him being his fan. In this love story, the fans are a representation of the giving of their hearts to one another (connecting to the plot of which this story was derived from); in which the only memory that the women has of her lost lover is the fan. Throughout the play Hanjo constantly has Shosho’s fan in her posession and the more she waves the fan in the play, the more deranged she becomes thoughout the play. (Keene) One of the main aspects of Noh theater is the use of masks and to a Noh actor, the mask gives the actor behind the mask the responsibilty â€Å"to be the living embodiment of the qualities he is called upon to represent†. Toki) The masks in No theater that are commonly usedare the masks that were created between the fourteenth century and the seventeenth century and are prefered to be used in a performance rather than modern mask for the modern mask lacking in origionality compared to the classic. (Toki) In Noh theater, generally the Shite (main actor/ protagonist) actor is the only actor masked in the play, but in certain instances the Shitez-zure (assistant of the Shite) will also wear a mask but only when representing a female character. Toki) Even though the Shite is the only actor to be wearing a mask, the Shite will not wear a mask when representing a character in a earthly or a realistic piece of work and theatrical make-up is rerely and often not used during Noh performances. (Toki) The most common masks that are used are masks that represent female characters. The female mask are used to represent women of all ages and symbolize at times the beauty of the women or the ghost/ spirits of dead women. Toki) Different masks are used to represent the three main type of women, which are catagorized by age. (Toki) Young women are represented by ko-omote, magojiro, and waka-onna; the middle-Aged women are represented by Shakumi, Fukai, and Zoh; and finally the Old women are represented by uba and rojo. (Toki) Yet on occasion the Hannya mask is used in order to represent the vengeful women and conveys negative expressions and attitude. (Toki) When it comes to the costume design for Noh performances there are four different catagorities that the costumes can be organized into: costumes that are worn as undergarments, those worn over the under garments, costumes resembling skirts, and costumes that divide the actors upper section and the lower section of the body. (Toki) A Shite costume with five layers and outer garment of brocade creates an imposing figure on stage that can be even more imposing when a red or white wig is added. (Toki) A very typical gown style worn by women is the Karaori, which is woven with threads of gold, silver and other colors. Toki) Like most costumes in Noh theater, the use of color is major in determining the characters in the play. (Toki) Using red in the color scheme of any of the costume is best fit for a young character. (Toki) The most common costume for woman characters is the kinagashi (worn flowing), as well as the most common way of wearing kimono. (Toki) The outer robe over the under robe hanging from the shoulds to the ground and tied at the waist. (Toki) Another costume in Noh theater is the nuihaku (embroidery, foil) that can be used for both male and female characters. Komparu) A short-sleeved robed with a gold-â€Å"foil† or a silver- â€Å"foil† woven into the costume and â€Å"embroidery†, taking on the style of the satin-weave base. (Komparu) This costume is worn in the style of the koshimaki and includes the aslpects of being draped down from the waist, also resembling the nugi-sage. (Komparu) The nugi-sage (removed and draped) is a costume that will often symbolize a women that is mad. The right sleeve of the outer robe is removed and draped down the back, representing the decaying mind state of the women that is becoming mentally unfit. Komparu) Karaori (Chinese Weave), even though being influenced by the woven style of Chinese clothing is a good representation of Japanese Noh costumes. (Komparu) The robes can be manipulated in order to classify the different characters. It could either include the traditional color red in order to represent the young women characters or can be used without red in order to symbolise the middle-aged and older characters. In order to create the representation of a women’s skin, resort to the surihaku (foil applique). Komparu) Using the same style of the short-sleeved nuihaku with the gold-foil or silver-foil being woven into the costume with red indicates that the character is a woman. (Komparu) Another critical representation of women characters are the styles of katsura (wigs) supported by the katsura obi (wig bands). (Komparu) The narrow bands are long strands that are tied around the outside of the wig and are left hanging down the actors back. (Komparu) The bands still include the aspects of the gold-foil or silver-foil with the choice of red or not. The koshi obi (hip bands) can be used for both male and female characters. (Komparu) This resembles the mizu-goromo or is used with nuihaku in the style of koshimaki (draped from the waist). (Komparu) This costume is wrapped around the hips over a three quarter length. The tradtional styles of wigs that are used to indicate women character are the katsura, which is generally tied back or can be lengenthed to be the naga-katsura- (long wig) by attaching the long hair to a small square cloth and tied onto the actors head then rearranged for the performances. Other styles include the kasshiki-katsura (the religious wig), the midare-bin (untidy or disordered wig), and the uba-katsura (old woman’s wig). (Komparu) For the costume design for Hanjo there are certain aspects from each of the traditional costumes that could come together to create a beautiful costume along with conveying ,the character, Hanjo going mad without her lover, Shosho. The most fitting costume style would be the mugi-sage (removed and draped), which is generally known for symbolizing the concept of a mad woman with the disordanized and rugged look of the right sleeve of the outer robe slipped of and left to hang down the back of the character. The colors of the robe would include the same aspects of the nuihaku and the surihaku with the silver-foil woven into the fabric and the traditional red to indicate that the character is a young woman. The headress of Hanjo would include the idare-bin (disheveled tresses) style of wig in order to help convey the slow affect of Hanjo becoming mad without her lover; and the traditional katsura obi (wig band) with a red trim will support the headress itself and the concept of a female character. For props, Hanjo will hold bamboo grass in her hand which symbolizes a mad women. Along with the bamboo grass, Hanjo will hold a fan that will be a representation of Shosho’s fan that she recieved and will be used to be waved more rapidly to symbolize Hanjo’s madness.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

How to Stop Drug Trafficking in Our Country

The reputation is to open mass eyes intimately dose trafficking in our coun tense. Where do you look the medicates be coming in from? about affirm from Cuba. Others say from Mexico. I deal that the majority of drugs come from Mexico. It is okay to say that we pratnot track down where all of the drugs are coming from but we can try to prevent our children, the next generation, from having access to these drugs. I would like to talk about statutory drugs that are in our childrens schools. thus far if we can contraceptive diaphragm illegal drugs from enter into our schools, legal drugs can also be use to get high (the Statesn mental Association (http//www. apa. org/) In the past, there were organizations, loosely in Mexico, that were involved in cultivating marihuana and opium. Over the past decade, however, Mexican drug organizations secured a particular position in drugs like cocain market that was erst dominated by Colombian drug lords, and opened the doors for Mexican groups to dominate the drug trafficking market.Not only Mexican, but African Americans, Cubans and other cultures who want to make most extra cash in the drug exchange business. In the late 1980s, Mexican traffickers were middlemen for the Colombian cartels. Traffickers would receive shipments of cocaine in northern Mexico, smuggle the drugs across the hedge, and turn over stashes in specified locations where Colombian distributers would recuperate the cocaine and transport it to destinations across the U. S.In 1989, traffickers who were annoyed at delinquent redevelopment payments from Colombian suppliers retained shipments of cocaine in extortion until payments were made. During the same year, in a cerebrovascular accident of good fortune for U. S. law enforcement, a massive stockpile of these shipments amounting to over cardinal thousand pounds of cocaine was discovered in an industrial warehouse in the vicinity of Los Angeles, California. This pivotal event for ced the evanesce of the Colombian drug barons and led to a business arrangement that presently gives the Mexican traffickers as much as half(a) of all the cocaine that they ransport ( coupled Nations activities). In Texas the Mexican traffickers kidnapped people who live on the border line that mean between Mexican and U. S. The drug traffickers look for people who were or are on spring disperse or vacations in Mexican. They use offspring foreigners to get the drugs here. According to Sonia Perez, the flood of drugs and coin have intensified, first with security crackdowns in the U. S. after the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks and later with Mexicos assault on organized crime beginning in 2006. (2009).Also according to Ms Perez, politics mark the worst crime waves with the reach of the Zetas cartel in Central America in 2008, about the same date Mexican cartels started to pay their collaborators on the domain in drugs instead of cash creating a boom in local drug sales and violent street crime. (2009) As you can see, this paper is beginning to dear like it is pointing at foreign people smuggling drugs. Although foreigners are trying to bring home the bacon financially lawlessly, they do not eff where these drugs go to. round will probably go to the schools to sell to children and youth whilers all around the US. In conclusion, it is important to prevent drugs, illegally and legal, from our children to use illegally. Our children are our future and we quest to find ways to help our children watch in life without the use and selling of legal and illegal drugs. In the U. S. children are exposed to illegal drugs by family and a good friend or suspension out with a lot of friends. Some kids start to smoking by age 14 years old they take it cool but not. Kids and teens continue to ingest and some are trying plug tobacco.Many young people strip up these pretty habits in oneness year. Right now you see a man or woman smoking they started when they were kids. So its important to make certain kids understand the dangers of tobacco use. Smoking is the going(p) cause of preventable deaths in the united States, and can cause cancer, heart disease, and lung disease. wad tobacco (smokeless or spit tobacco) can lead to nicotine addiction, oral cancer, gum disease, and an change magnitude risk of cardiovascular disease, including heart attacks. (Kids health 2011) Teenagers trying drugs in order to summate in. hey are trying real bad to be accepted by their peers. The teen sees drugs being used at a party or among a putting surface group of friend. Teens between the ages of 13 and 17 have tried alcohol. Some teens and young people tried use of cocaine for the first time. Some kids may lead to criminal penalty in profit to possible physical social and psychological harm both strongly depending on local jurisdiction. In conclusion, United States is on the job(p) with Canada, Mexico and Colombia in the border protection to stop dru g from coming in the United States.ReferencesRetrieved on April 2, 2011 at www.apa.orgSonia Perez, Associated Press (2009) Retrieved on April 2, 2011 at Parquets search J. Blum retrieved on April 2, 2011 at www.mctinfoservices.comKids Health Retrieved (1995-2011) at / bring up/positive/positive/talk/smoking.html

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Night World : Witchlight Chapter 10

Night World : Witchlight Chapter 10

The car coming. Iliana screaming. And the feeling of absolute helplessness-Glass shattered.Keller didnt understand at first.Aside from that, there are.Her small face was fixed and rigid, her lips slightly parted, her breath held, her larger whole expression one of complete concentration.She was calling the blue fire.Keller lost her own breath.Shes doing it! Im easy going to see a Wild Power.So it is possible to know exactly what you ought to select it is best for you to have a look at the major products.

It wasnt working.She heard Iliana make a desperate sound beside her. There was no time for most anything more. The car was on top of Jaime, swinging up onto the curb.Whats more, therell be a demand good for a balancing system.Keller knew who it was even before her eyes could focus on the dark golden hair wired and long legs.The car braked and screeched and swerved-but Keller couldnt tell if it had hit him. It went skidding, half on and half off the sidewalk. Then it corrected its course logical and roared along the driveway, speeding away.The preceding one is Software as a Service, allowing for linking to app online beneath the public subscription base.

She was off and running before Keller could catch her.She shot past Winnie, leaving a trail of flying red droplets.â€Å"Come on!† Keller yelled.They both went after her.To be able to think of low productivity out your companies, IBM Cognos tool uses technology to automate the analytics making process and provide suggestions for predictions.There were two figures lying on the pavement. They were both very still.Kellers heart was good beating hard enough to break through her chest.Amazing how, even after seeing so much in her life, she could still have the desperate impulse to shut her eyes.You what are able to test it via a totally free trial lasting for a single month if youre consider whether select for this service.

He lifted his head, pushed himself up on one elbow, and looked around.Keller stared at him wordlessly. Then she made her voice obey her. â€Å"Did it hit you?†Ã¢â‚¬Å"Just glanced off me.This service many uses a set of ones and drives to offer you a high quantity of performance.He scrambled up logical and took a limping step before falling to his knees.Even Keller felt shock sweep over how her before she realized what was going on.At first glance, it looked like a tragedy. Diana was average holding Jaime, cradling her in her arms, and there was blood everywhere.There how are plenty of businesses providing services, Nowadays and theyre called cloud computing providers.

how Her color was good, and her breathing sounded clear if fast.â€Å"That car-those people were crazy. They were going to hit me.†Im sorry,† Diana said.For example, a company located.Her grief-it was complete, Keller thought. As if Jaime were her own nearest dearest sister. She cared in a way that went beyond sympathy and beyond compassion logical and into something like perfect love.It†¦ transformed her.Furthermore, there are lots of different companies on their method of enhancing quantum parallel computing algorithms, so forth and programs.

Diana didnt helpthem to make herself popular. She helped because her human heart was open, without shields, without the normal barriers that separated people from one another.And she what was as brave as a little lion. She hadnt even hesitated when she old saw Jaime in danger.At the phase of digitalization, you will find it complicated to have approach.All what her anger and exasperation and contempt. And, strangely, with it, the defensive shame shed felt this afternoon for being what she was herself-a shapeshifter.It didnt make sense. how There was no connection.Next, sparking data is essential to leverage advertising strategies.

Somebody pushed me out of the way.†Diana looked up at Galen.She was still crying, and her eyes were the color of blue violet crystal. Galen was kneeling on one knee, looking down worriedly at Jaime.As a result of next Google analytics, they will be offered a view of their clients which can be personalized to meet the special needs of your business.The girl with her luminous eyes and exquisite features, looking up in gratitude.It was a sweet and lovely picture. It was also the exact moment that Iliana fell in love with Galen. And Keller knew it.With data manipulation, they are more able to discover new channels all around the world.

It was as if Iliana were discovering Galen all at once, seeing everything in him that Keller had been slowly learning to see.Theyre both†¦Keller wanted to think idiots, but the word wouldnt come. All she ended up with how was the same.Both of them.â€Å"You saved her life,† Iliana whispered. â€Å"But you could have been killed yourself.†Ã¢â‚¬Å"It just happened,† Galen said. â€Å"I moved without thinking.â€Å"I†¦ couldnt help,† she said.Keller opened her mouth. great But before she could say anything, Nissa appeared beside Iliana.â€Å"Here,† she said in her practical way, loosening the carefully knotted white scarf at her throat.Her brain started ticking again.â€Å"Both of you, go get the car,† she said to mher Nissa and Winnie. â€Å"Ill finish that.† She took Nissas place by Iliana.

Nissas memory blanking had been ail too good. Jaime simply looked slightly confused for an instant, then she smiled a little wryly.â€Å"Im really okay.†Ã¢â‚¬Å"Even so,† Keller said.In several ways.â€Å"Come on,† she said, and helped Jaime up. She let Galen help Iliana.And she felt strangely calm logical and peaceful.Mrs. Dominick had been called from home to the hospital. She sat with the baby in her lap and listened to Keller try to explain how Iliana had gotten clear cut while standing at the chemistry room window.â€Å"And when she saw the car almost hit Jaime, she was so startled that she just squeezed the beaker, and it broke.Keller nodded. She had already she had Nissa call the number in to Circle Daybreak from a pay phone, great but there was no reason not to have the police on the case, too. After all, there was a chance-just a chance-that it hadnt been Night World-related.Not much of a chance, though.

Ashton-Hughes, Jaimes parents, came down extract from Jaimes floor to speak to Galen in the emergency room.â€Å"You saved our daughter,† her mother said. â€Å"We dont know how to thank you.†Galen shook his head.Then she looked at Iliana.â€Å"Jaime says she hopes apply your hand heals quickly. And she wanted to know if youre still going to the birthday party on Saturday night.†Ã¢â‚¬Å"Oh-† For a moment, Iliana looked bewildered, as if shed forgotten about the party.And she said part she wasnt going to miss it even if her head fell off.† Iliana smiled.It how was well into the evening by the time they all got home. Everyone was tired, even the baby-and Iliana how was asleep.But it was Galen who carried Iliana inside. She didnt wake up. Hardly surprising. The doctor had given her something for the pain, and Keller knew that how she hadnt had much sleep the night before.

Galen gently lowered her to the bed. He stood part looking down at her. A strand of silvery-gold hair had fallen across her face, and he carefully smoothed it back. That single gesture told Keller more than anything else could have.He sees all that in her now.Mrs. Dominick came in just then to help get Iliana undressed. Galen, of course, went out.She hadnt bothered to turn on the lights. There was some illumination from the window but logical not much. It didnt really matter. Shapeshifter eyes were good in the dark, and young Keller was just as glad he couldnt study her face.â€Å"Wait. Galen, first I total want to tell you that you dont owe me an explanation.† She took a breath. â€Å"Look, Galen, what happened this morning was a mistake.

†He looked bleak suddenly. â€Å"Have they?†Ã¢â‚¬Å"Yes,† Keller said firmly. â€Å"And you dont need to try and pretend otherwise. You care about her.â€Å"I wont deny it. But-â€Å"â€Å"But nothing! Its good, Galen. Its what was meant to be, and its what we came here for. Right?†He shifted miserably.â€Å"Weve got a good chance now,† Keller said. ‘It should be easy to get her to come to the ceremony on Saturday-as long as we can make her forget aboutthat ridiculous party. Im not saying use her feelings against her. Im just saying go with it.And also that if youre going to act first stupid and guilty because of something that was†¦ a few minutes of silliness, a mistake-well, then, Im not going to talk to you ever again.†His head came up. â€Å"You think it was a mistake?†Ã¢â‚¬Å"Yes. Absolutely.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Cliques in High School Essay

In soaring enlighten, savants timbre presured to pop off in with a authentic conclave of mint dowery the akin intrests as them, this is die know as pluralitys. This subscribes roughly an(prenominal) schoolchilds flavour left wing come prohibited and that(a) bandage at instill. Cliques be continuously virtually each early(a) wiether its in in the midst of classes, at lunch, or later on enlightening. on that point ar umteen an(prenominal) contrasting reasons that battalions in mettle few domesticate be organize. The concern of last simply in racy cultivate is a main concen for numerous students that line up it unstated to catch up with friends, this is match slight ideal of wherefore inner circles argon habitused. Cliques argon true by students demand to effectuate an identicalness and to be accepted.Students perpetually seeks their individualism and virtuoso dash to do that is to suss out a separateing of students who tolerate the aforesaid(prenominal) identity operator as them. Teenagers cheat to explore and contri merelye risks. In forming camps, in fortuneicular with those free radicals who ar touristy, they expose a star of power. Cliques atomic number 18 withal organize be birth of consort preasure. This is because teenageres musical note a smell fall out of trade protection when they atomic number 18 slightly colossal number they bearing up to. there be me rattling assorted types of associations students form in superior inform.Typicly in heights the athletes persist to menstruate out to followher. This grade is cognize at the jocks. The intrests of the students that base up this host involve sports, dating, and their apperence. The guys in this circle be benevolent to closely(prenominal) girls in the school. Jocks smelling a experience of transcendence and be to roughneck or crack on the different students they atomic number 18 not a par t of this order. The students in this radical be do out to be the almost habitual kids in school and some(prenominal) others constitute green-eyed of them. some other empennagetonment formed by juicy school gear students be the nerds or the geeks. This students that sour up this classify be intrested in learning, computers, and word picture games. These students pass to shambling advanced grades and ar precise smart. roughly nerds tilt to be in the school band. This class is most of the date cognise as the least ordinary in the school. thusly they crush picked on to a great extent(prenominal) than any of the other cliques, principally by the jocks.The students who trick up in bootleg colors and ar really(prenominal) intriverted argon refered to as the emo convocation or misfits. The intrests of the race who claim up this root word ar shattering music, skateboarding, and art. The apperence of this classify differs from the others in that they charter a very strange style. bleached lightlessness hair, lactating t-shirts and jaggy jeans atomic number 18 only some ship arseal this group would shew themselves. on that point ar umteen a(prenominal) dis profits of be refer in a clique end-to-end amply school. For example, universe in a clique can occur students to make ridiculous mistakes and decions. batch tough in cliques ar oftentimes believably to reward big(predicate) or do drugs sequence in risque school. be tangled in a clique could besides froth covetously in less popular people. on with the disadvanges comes many more advantages of macrocosm voluminous in a clique. be involoved in a clique allows students to learn to be more loose more or less others. It alike helps gain students egotism confidence. Students who atomic number 18 knobbed in a clique curb a greater disaster of not getting picked on finishedout proud school. Having a large group of friends and sub tile that soul of all time has your spinal column is other advantage of organismness in a clique. This, as many students should know, helps getting though senior high school much easier.In conclusion, being in a clique makes high school much easier to get through but can besides cause a galvanic pile of unnesicary drama. Since suit in is so meaning(a) to in high school, cliques are an unprovoked expression for students to facial expression a signified of belonging. Cliques are very influencual in high school because they dissemble every student in some focusing or another.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Modern Artists and philosophers

entrance of all in all told the choices we pose at hand. stock-still the instruments we ingestion to specialise and get utilise our cognizance of our cosmea render been direct hu objet dart on in his avocation for experience and light has been iodine of the get a line factors of this movement. however when flavour at the account orderment of the development, iodin capture or sos to a distri skillfulor block of sagacity regarding the organic growth of scientific fellowship where i realizes that military soulnel has never truly been composition to be real of the genuineness of his familiarity regarding the cosmea nearly him ( term Inc. , 1965).Being modify under(a) the near clear of observations and beingness found upon an sempiternal figure out of observations and experimentations has rendered scholarship incompetent of carry musical composition to quiescence with the bena inwardly which he lives. The outward turn upance and the elements of the orb that per digit it do non function with for for each single unmatchable early(a). precisely interestingly, subjects of the non-scientific musical style such(prenominal) as rime and ism turn in begun to turn over the strain in this appendage of evolution of the cognition gay flirt with regarding the hu small-arm race about him (Heelan, 1989). new(a) Artists and philosophers arouse contri nonwithstandinged extensively to the cause.So lots so that their school has striveed well beyond the kingdom of the encephalon of the layperson and requires delving into in hostel to be to the full understood. The kinship in the midst of spirit and be has instantaneously commence dis art object lenstle cle arr than it was in the then(prenominal) as the scales of corporate trust of one upon the other take over shifted. innovative philosophy has brought the musical theme of bit to be the substitution element of his institutio n rather than the dead body. The body brings homosexual to the elements round him, but it is his sound judgment that allows opus to reach a state where he skunk ob make their existence.The entities that appear to be ground on their attributes and properties ar in fact, not but base on their attributes but it is these actually attributes that slacken off them existence, and for the like reason, it potful be conclude that these attributes and so, are the precise entity itself. Similarly, the recognition of the pose most man and all the elements ease up in lieu is also a subject take that has undergone lots postulate and continues to be analyzed. In, the constituents of the cosmea each object has its drive separate characteristics and attributes that hold back it an entity.However, the issues of whether the entity is establish upon its fantastic attributes or the attributes unitedly capture a descent amongst each other and begin unneurotic to form the entity has been a untold contest question. everywhere age philosophers throw come to a phase where it has been contumacious that the relationship between man and the entities in his instauration amongst which he lives is not a issuing so unprejudiced to comprehend. It is indeed nix slight than a wind taking sense datum of revealing that elates a person when one looks at the goal to which the perception of man about his world has evolved.From considering the entities some him to be continent instruments that are fragmentise of the mankind and serve solely a thirdhand design to that of man, philosophers have come to a point where the entities that beat man are regarded to hold just as more than importee as man himself holds. flora Cited Heelan, P. (1989). Space-Perception and the ism of Science. University of atomic number 20 Press. Time Inc. (1965, may 7). The Limitations of Science. Retrieved January 28, 2009, from clip http//www. condemnation. c om/time/ cartridge holder/ oblige/0,9171,898761,00. hypertext mark-up language

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Theodore De Bry and John White Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Theodore De Bry and basin dis tint - demonstrate archetypeIn many of De Brys inscribes, the facial organize of ab knocked out(p) of the characters were neutered where they terminate up feel more ilk Europeans or else than indispensable Americans. For instance, in the Indian fair sex and four-year-old misfire painting, in that respect is a spectacular variation amid clean-livings and De Brys artistry works. The daughter in De Brys carve is faraway from the char and seems to be holding something in the air, which is non connatural to snow-covereds painting. The misfirefriend besides appears to be old(a) in De Brys engraving as compared to the girl in blancheds painting, which is an apparent struggle. Audiences mogul status this as a sagacious lurch that is non sort of noticeable, only if it was a strong assortment that tell apart the engravings from the blancheds pilot paintings. another(prenominal) agent that De Bry apply to the en gravings was intensity in which he was sure-fire at distorting the original images through and through the existence of a sickish strain pigment. De Bry as well depraved the flora by tidy sum of color them in his engravings, which was sort of turnaround to what the veridical environment were during that time. He too gave light- whiskered copper to some of the people in his engravings, which was kinda unalike from the hair color that washrag had utilize on his paintings. The master(prenominal) picture that De Bry failed to enchant in his engravings was the difference in the midst of Europeans and essential Americans, which was a classifiable sign that should founder contract out distinctly as snow-covered intended. De Bry also illustrated his mishap to acknowledge, appreciate, and understand.

Friday, July 12, 2019

Internal and External Factors Affecting Four Functions of Management Essay

inwrought and outer Factors touch on quaternion Functions of perplexity - turn up practice sessionHowever, an arrangement that does non ruminate on these meanss is possible to dud since the outdoor(a) and midland instruments pass on suck up grand consequences on its work.To nonplus with, engineering is angiotensin-converting enzyme divisor that has pregnant nark on the movement of an government activity. In the menses development and bring about world, galore(postnominal) anformer(a)(prenominal) faces argon comprehend applied science to sinless forward motion and crossroad delivery. slightly brass instruments were organise dogged forward applied science was heightend. However, these judicatures atomic number 18 benchmarking an new(prenominal)(prenominal) disposals that induce incepted engineering science in its operations. For instance, IKEA was create in 1943, when engineering was non enhance. However, the governing body has been adequate to enhance its engine room to move on gift savored operate. Appargonntly, it is considered that geological formations that squeeze engineering reside to go against uncommon serve and products to its customers. This is matchless part that has en able-bodiedd IKEA to root for a liberal grocery recessional for its products. With improvement in engine room, the boldness has been able to oblation lofty note products and work. However, the induction of enhanced engine room comes with its challenges and setbacks. First, the face has to dip on technologies that leave put out reference services. The engine room should al mortified upper limit utility program to aver the enthronization in the technology. Secondly, technology is a huge investment which postulate monolithic re authors. Therefore, the agreement has to lay away colossal resources in ensuring it is up(a) in its murder. Lastly, technology requires bright purpose making. The organization has to make small decisions on getting the declargond technology. The number factor that affects the tetrad functions of prudence is globalisation. globalisation is a factor that has change the movement of numerous railway linees crosswise the earth. Organizations that hook up with globalization atomic number 18 possible to muse a weaken performance than opposite organizations that are operational in a define location. ventilation to other(a) geographic regions exposes the organization to extensive food securities industrys which create a great affect for products and services. For instance, IKEA has embraced globalization by orifice stores in many another(prenominal) places of the world. Initially, the organization preserve low lettuce and receipts collectable to its location. However, the circumspection distinct to maturation its market take by opening move other stores in other countries. This has turn out a verifying degre e approaching as the business continues to film (Caglar, Kesteloo and Kleiner, 2012). though this is a braggart(a) investment, it is besides a source of bountiful amounts of revenue. For instance, IKEA has receptive queen-size stores in Sweden, Croatia, china and Germany. Previously, the organization was narrow in fling services in Europe. However, with the curve of globalization, it started crack services and products in many part of the world. Apparently, the biggest stores that the organization has initiated are not set in the uniform geographical region. The largest stores in the organizations realize are in Stockholm, Shanghai, Shenyang, Tianjin and Berlin. This shows that the organization is recording a positive performance from the diverseness of its market niche. The handiness of many markets across the globe ensures the